Workflow job queue, Limiting active workflow count

How can I limit maximum workflow execution simultaneously? I mean, I don’t want to let users overuse server, so is there any possibility to limit simultaneously workflow number for spesific workflow?

Scenario: I will give a limit (example: 10) to a workflow. When system has 10 workflow running at the same time, new workflow waits until finish old ones.

(Btw: Our commercial license is on its way)

At most one workflow will be running (using system resource) in a single process. All executions will run one by one in a queue (unless the sync ones). And this is by design.

So, you may not need to care about the quota of running resource for now.

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Doesn’t “On going” mean they running simultaneously?

I meant running only 1 of the same workflow, not different workflows.


Hi, what does mean “At most one workflow” ?

The meaning of “Running” is the workflow execution is processing in program. The executions in your list shows “On going” status, this is not meaning they are processing in program. But just meaning they are paused (not completed) due to some breaking nodes (like manual node) in your workflow, and need to be resumed.

I deliberately added a Delay command to the Workflow and created 4 records to the collection to see what will happen.

My goal is to prevent Workflows for these 4 records from running at the same time. Did I explain my question I asked fully?