When I am installing the NocoBase in windows os then I faceing many problems . Like not installed, not find path , not find file etc … Please give me some suggestions for fix this problem
But Plugin Development are not available in Docker
1、nvm is suggested。install nvm first。
2、use nvm,install node. I am use node 20. if you want to manage node_modules in customize directory, you should change the default config of npm.
3、install yarn use npm。
4、install database server. mariadb/postgres are suggested.
5、download source code. beta is the stablest version, you can choose the lasted bate version.
6、install NocoBase following official documents.
7、use pm2 to manage product runtime envoriment.
8、if you want deploy NocoBase with IIS, this document is a reference. 分享一下解决IIS Reverse proxy到NocoBase的方法 - 中文讨论区 / 经验分享 - NocoBase Forum
good like and enjoy it!