Hello everyone, welcome to our brand new community!
Here, you can engage in discussions, ask questions, answer inquiries, and share feedback. To help you make the most of this forum, we’ve compiled the following guidelines. We hope everyone will maintain order and ensure that discussions are constructive. Please take a moment to read these guidelines!
NocoBase Community Guidelines
The Basics
By participating in this community, you agree to these simple rules:
Be kind and respectful
We encourage constructive conversations and healthy debates. However, we do not tolerate harassment, threats, personal attacks, discrimination, or trolling of any kind. We strive to maintain a safe space for people of all backgrounds, identities, and beliefs.
Keep the forum organized
Help us keep the forum tidy by searching for similar topics before posting a new one. Ensure you post in the correct category. If you’re unsure of which category to use or have other forum-related questions, feel free to reach out to one of our moderators or admins.
No Spam
No one likes spam! While we welcome you to share your portfolio or projects, please be mindful. Any off-topic or excessive promotion will be removed. If you come across something that seems like spam, please flag it, and our moderators will address it.
Topics and Replies
Be clear and concise
When posting new topics, ensure you have a descriptive title and body. Whether sharing feedback or asking a question, include details, screenshots, links, etc., whenever applicable. This helps the community respond timely and appropriately and reduces duplicate topics.
Report Bugs
In addition to GitHub Issues, you can report bugs through our community, where our development team will follow up on each one. Before submitting an issue you need to make sure:
- You are experiencing a technical issue with NocoBase.
- You have already searched for related issues and found none open (if you found a related closed issue, please link to it from your post).
- You are not asking a question about how to use NocoBase or about whether or not NocoBase has a certain feature. For general help using NocoBase, you may:
- Refer to the official NocoBase documentation.
- Try the path that suits you in the NocoBase Community.
- Ask a question on the this community forum.
- Your issue title is concise, on-topic, and polite.
- You provide steps to reproduce the issue.
Submit Ideas
Submit any ideas for new features for the NocoBase product. However, please review our roadmap before providing feedback.
By giving feedback or suggestions to NocoBase about our products or services, you agree that NocoBase may use and exploit the feedback and suggestions without payment, attribution, or restriction.
Vote on Ideas
You can vote on topics in the product ideas category. We will prioritize incorporating the most popular ideas into our roadmap.
Express Appreciation
Use the “Like” feature to show appreciation for your favorite topics and comments.
Share Best Practices
Share your experiences, tips, and successes using NocoBase with users around the world.
Mark Solutions
In certain categories (such as product issues), you can mark a comment as the solution, making it easier for others to see the answer to a question.
Bookmark Your Favorites
You can easily bookmark topics that you like for convenient access at any time in the future.