Save mode doesn't work

* Describe the bug

I have a collection with two fields (TeamRef and UserRef), and I set save mode on submit button “Insert if not exists” and checked out two fields (TeamRef and UserRef) to control and prevent to save that on db.

* Environment

  • NocoBase version: 1.4.33
  • Database type and version: PostgreSQL 17.2
  • OS: Windows 11
  • Deployment Methods: Docker
  • Docker image version:nocobase/nocobase:latest
  • NodeJS version:

* How To Reproduce

Expected behavior

when we have one record with same data, must prevent to save new records on db.



What is the type of the field please?
How is it set in the page save mode?

Please take a screenshot to see

Both (TeamRef and UserRef) data types is bigint. And both fields interface is many to one.
I hope the screenshot is clear.