Hello. I’m having a problem showing the ‘task name’ of the specific task where a comment was posted.
I basically have a tree collection for ‘tasks’. The in app notification works fine when it changes statuses and such.
Then I have a ‘task_comments’ collection that is associated to ‘tasks’. What I’m trying to do is set up notifications anytime someone leaves a comment on a task. The comment itself shows up fine in the notification, but I can’t seem to get it to echo the ‘task_name’ inside the actual notification alert using the trigger variables.
Naturally, it doesn’t make sense to be notified of a comment, if I have no idea which task it is for.
It’s quite possible that I don’t have something setup properly. But I’ve tried everything I know. So at this point, I’m hoping you can just check on your end to make sure you can display the task name in a task comment notification using the trigger variables.
Here is the code I’m using inside the message content box:
posted under {{$context.data.task_name}}.