Dutch translation update

I’m here to ask for some help.
I translated the Nocobase app to Dutch (not the plugins)
I would like to add the translation, but I’m not familiar with Github pulling and merging and all things related to it.
Can anyone help me, submit an update or deliver the translation to the management?

Hi @mathyvds ,

Thank you for your contribution to the Dutch translation! I’m one of the document maintainers, and I’d be happy to help you submit your translation.

To proceed, you can share your translation files with me (e.g., via a Google Drive link, Dropbox, or any file-sharing service), and I’ll handle the GitHub pull request and merging process for you. Alternatively, if you’re comfortable, I can guide you through the steps to submit it yourself.

Let me know how you’d like to proceed!

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Hi @AlbertMa

Thank you for providing help. I appreciate that a lot.

I shared the translation over here:
(it’s my own selfhosted instance of the app outline)

Let me know if this works for you.
There is no need for any recognition.

Looking forward to use the Dutch translation in Nocobase! Awesome tool :slight_smile: