Define Anchor Text For Links And Collapse Sidebar

#1: For url fields, it would be great if we had the option to define the anchor text for links. For example in this table column, I would much rather just have the word ‘URL’ for anchor text instead of having such a wide column.

I know we can define the column widths. This just offers a tad more flexibility to allow users to design the app exactly to their liking - which is always a good thing imo.

#2: I also think it would be great if we had the option to enable the collapsible sidebar that Ant Design offers as well as the option to maybe define the sidebar width. The default is a little skinny in my opinion, and sometimes it’s hard to fit 2 descriptive words for a link in such a skinny sidebar.

Again, neither of these are a big deal. It just offers us a little more control to get the app looking exactly the way we want.

Hope this feedback helps.


Thank you for those suggestions. We have record them to our backlog.