Bug in export with multiple languages


I’ve encountered a bug related to the export feature. When I export collection data using the export button, the process works as expected, and the column translations are applied correctly based on the language I’m using in the app. However, I’ve noticed that for fields of type multiple select or single select, the translations are not applied. These fields remain in the default language, unlike the rest of the columns.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Export a collection using the export button in a non-default language.
  2. Observe that while most columns are translated properly, fields of type multiple select or single select remain untranslated.

I would appreciate it if this issue could be looked into. Let me know if you need any further details.

Happens on Boolean fields for me.

fix: export with i18n by chareice · Pull Request #5591 · nocobase/nocobase · GitHub Fixed, please update the latest version and try again

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