After selecting a data in a selection field, I want it to be updated to not show the added data. I’ve set the data scope but it’s not working.
But when refresh the whole page (by pressing F5), everything work as magic. the data is added in the DB. Is it a bug or I just didn’t set the correct data scope ? (I’m using many-to-many relation).
Please explain in more detail the meaning of these fields and data. Alternatively, you can set up a demo environment and reproduce the issue there. Deploy a demo site - NocoBase
This is the Link : Courses - NocoBase
It’s a “student” / “course” case. A student can be registered to many courses, and a course can be registered by many students.
I wanted to add students to a single course (and adding marks and rate of completion) . But after adding a student, i didn’t want an already added student to be shown again in the select field.
Checked the relationship between Student, Course, Student_Courses data table, Student, Course is not a many-to-many relationship, add data in Student_Course, it is many-to-one Student, so the effect in the screenshot can not be achieved;
Have adjusted some of the content, please see the page effect and data table definition, refer to the settings to achieve
Thank you so much for taking the time to find the solution. But unfortunately the problem remains the same. It’s working only after refreshing the whole page.
The page only takes effect after refreshing the browser, and is a flaw in the variable loading on demand, waiting for us to fix it
Thank you. will it be available in the next upgrade ?