Open PopUp with specific URL parameters


With the new redirect feature that will be integrated quickly in the beta release, we can create new workflow with the ability to open a popup (the edit or view popup of an item in a table for exemple) with a specific url parameter (we can imagine something like ?popupId=Open or ActionLinkId=trigger).

thanks a lot for your great work.

You can find the target pupup that you want to open first and then test it.


Sorry but i doesn’t understand well your answer. This is something already implemented ? i can specify a specific key / value in url params to open a specific popup ? Does we have some documentation or the PR related to ?


Each popup has a specific key/value, for example:

To navigate to a specific popup, simply enter its relative address, like this: /admin/a5uvnh1he02/popups/we0jek64vy5/filterbytk/4

Shit, sorry about that. Seems like i run a older version without this feature. I just see in the demo instance that the feature it there. Thank you for this.

Thanks you for all & for th quick reply.